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首頁 English

Yungyi International was established in July 2009 with the business focuses on funeral service and electronic component and electronics trading. The company has two major business units - the funeral service unit and the electronics business unit.

Our honorary president Mr. H. K. Wang has been in the funeral services industry for more than 40 years. He was the president of Hengan Funeral Services Co. Ltd. and elected a director/supervisor of the Taipei Funeral Guild since the start of the guild. He officially retired in 2013 from the guild after his son Mr. Y. S. Michael Wang was elected a director of the Taipei Funeral Guild in Dec 2012.

Our founding president Mrs. L. L. Sung has many years of hands-on funeral service experience during her working years in Hengan. For many years, she worked to provide funeral service to deceased foreign citizens.

The funeral service unit provides the following services to deceased foreigners:

1. Remains shipping (Repatriation of remains): We will work with the funeral home or crematorium to prepare the remains and help arrange documents such as cremation, quarantine, embalming and inspection certificates, export permits for shipping.

2. Local Burial: We will coordinate with the family here and/or overseas about the burial arrangement such as arranging a suitable location, remains preparation, ceremony, etc.

3. Cremation: We work with public crematoriums for the cremation. The ashes can be shipped back to deceased home town or arranged in local interment.

If you have any question, please feel free to contact us by calling 886-2-2700-8682 int'l call or 0800-090-091 local toll-free and ask for English assistance. We are located in Taipei the capital city of Taiwan and able to provide funeral services in northern Taiwan and able to provide remains/ashes repatriation services islandwide. Detailed English explanations for western funerals, memorial services, and different types of funeral services such as tree burial, sea burial, etc. are available upon request.

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電話:02-2700-8682 臨終關懷免費專線:0800-090-091 傳真: 02-2700-5513 Email: service@yy-int.com 
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